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S100A8/S100A9 heterodimer (human) ELISA kit

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    S100A8/S100A9 heterodimer (human) ELISA kit
  • S100A8/S100A9 heterodimer (human) ELISA kit
Cat No: A05083
Assay Kits - Elisa
Bertin Bioreagent

Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) is a technique to detect and quantify antigens (proteins, hormones…) or antibodies in samples. It relies on the ability of an antibody to bind a specific antigen. Either the antibody or the antigen is labelled with an enzyme wh...

: 96 wells

This product can not be purchased online. Please contact us

Territorial Availability: Available worldwide directly through Bertin or your local distributor
Technical Warning: Check the Additional Items Required section of this kit booklet to verify if UltraPure Water (Milli-Q or equivalent) is needed for this assay
  • calprotectin
  • MRP8/MRP14
  • Calgranulin A
  • Calgranulin B
Correlated keywords:
  • innate immunity
  • inflammation
  • trauma
  • infection
  • heat
  • stress
  • DAMP
  • calgranulin
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Product Overview:
Enzyme ImmunoAssay (EIA) is a technique to detect and quantify antigens (proteins, hormones…) or antibodies in samples. It relies on the ability of an antibody to bind a specific antigen. Either the antibody or the antigen is labelled with an enzyme whose substrate is a chromogen or a fluorogen converted in a measurable product (color or fluorescence).
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) is a type of EIA using a solid phase (ex: microtiter plate) coated with an antigen immobilizing the molecule to detect. Over the time, scientists have extended the term ELISA to EIAs using an antibody coating the solid phase. That explains why our EIA kits using coated antibodies are also called ELISA kits.
Bertin Bioreagent’s expertise is to develop analytical tools for biomarkers. S100A8 and S100A9 are Ca2+ binding proteins that belong to the S100 family, called calgranulin. Calgranulins are endogenous molecules released in response to environmental triggers and cellular damage. Also known as Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern Molecules (DAMPs), these proteins play an important role in a diverse range of physiological and pathological processes, such as host defense, wound healing, autoimmunity, oncogenesis and inflammation, among others.
This assay is a sandwich based ELISA kit allowing accurate quantification of S100A8/S100A9 heterodimer in human samples.
Size 96 wells
Shipping wet ice
Application Media human serum samples|dilution at least at 1:100 in 1x Biotin-free ELISA Buffer
Sample volume Refer to user manual
Standard Curve Range 0.6 - 80.0 ng/mL
Custom Code 3822000000
UNSPSC code 41116104

Catalán V, Frühbeck G, Gómez-Ambrosi, J. (2018). Chapter 8 - Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Markers in Skeletal Muscle of Obese Subjects, Editor(s): Amelia Marti del Moral, Concepción María Aguilera García. Obesity, Academic Press, 2018, Pages 163-189, ISBN 9780128125045

Crowe, L.A.N., McLean, M., Kitson, S.M. et al. (2019) S100A8 & S100A9: Alarmin mediated inflammation in tendinopathy. Sci Rep 9, 1463

Dubois C, Payen D, Simon S, Junot C, Fenaille F, Morel N, and Becher F. (2020). Top-Down and Bottom-Up Proteomics of Circulating S100A8/S100A9 in Plasma of Septic Shock Patients. Journal of Proteome Research 19 (2), 914-925

Dubois C, Marcé D, Faivre V, Lukaszewicz AC, Junot C, Fenaille F, Simon S, Becher F, Morel N, Payen D. (2019). High plasma level of S100A8/S100A9 and S100A12 at admission indicates a higher risk of death in septic shock patients. Sci Rep. 30;9(1):15660

Holzinger, D., Foell, D., & Kessel, C. (2018). The role of S100 proteins in the pathogenesis and monitoring of autoinflammatory diseases. Molecular and cellular pediatrics, 5(1), 7. Kerkhoff C., Radon Y., Flaßkamp H. (2014) Alarmins. In: Parnham M. (eds) Encyclopedia of Inflammatory Diseases. Birkhäuser, Basel. Wang, S., Song, R., Wang, Z., Jing, Z., Wang, S., & Ma, J. (2018). S100A8/A9 in Inflammation. Frontiers in immunology, 9, 1298.

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